Ep. 11: A Philosophy of AI and Education (Part 2)

To say that there’s a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence these days would seem to be a gross understatement. Everywhere we look there’s a new blog post, news article, podcast, book, youtube video (and more!) on AI — what it can do, what it purports to do, and what might be able to do in the future. It’s enough to make one’s head spin! In the world of education, much ado has been made about the impact of AI on the future of teaching and learning. Some seem convinced that AI is the death knell for education, while others see limitless potential for increasing student engagement and learning. 

In this episode Aaron and Ron continue the conversation that was started in the previous episode, as they take a closer look at AI and the philosophical underpinnings that should guide how we think about AI — both in its potential for good and bad. This is part two of a four part series on AI and education.  

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